
TF Challenge Week One

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text


It's a cool, rainy night in Richfield, and though the storm outside is building Michelle, Shelly and Greg are staying together and watching a movie.  Shelly has a cup of tea in her hand, clad in sweats, and is comfortable.

"Ugh... why won't they just arrest Tom Hanks already?" Shelly muttered.
Michelle hushed her.  "Shh!  Do you still think it's him?  Besides, they're about to find out who murdered the pope."
Greg shook his head, chuckling quietly to himself.  "You both should really read the book."

They cut to a clip of the slowly ticking anti-matter bomb located in the depths of Vatican Hill.  Then, a blast of lightning boomed outside - and the house went dark.  

"Aaugh!" Shelly screamed first.  The shattered splash of the coffee cup came next.
"Waaugh!  Shelly?"  An altogether brief moment of silence.  "Shit."
"Nobody panic, huh?  It's just a power outage..." Greg tried to be the voice of reason, but as a heavy object began to push into his chair, followed by a soft stretching sound mixed with ripping fabric, along with the crack of class from the broken coffee table, he realized that there was no reason to panic anymore.

Shelly moaned quietly.
Michelle muttered something unintelligible.
Greg just leaned into the backrest of the chaise lounge.  "Everyone okay?  I can go get a flashlight."

"Watch out for broken glass and ceramic."  Michelle's voice was heard first.  "In fact, Greg, you're barefoot, right?  Maybe you should just sit tight."

Before too long, the lights came back on and the movie resumed.  The television movie had ended, and now the credits were rolling.  But that wasn't all.  For now, a car was parked atop the couch and into the glass-topped coffee table, occupying the majority of the room.  Perched on its hood was Shelly, who now sported a pink fishtail from the waist down, dotted with shredded leggings from her sweatpants.  Ceramic and glass shards coated the floor.

"Huh..." Greg fought for something witty.  "Why should I watch movies when I live with you two?"

DAY TWO:  Centaur/Centauress

"Come on, Janessa!  Hurry up!  We're going to get detention!"

Janessa and Martin were along with 50 other students at the Nebraska Cowboy Museum. which was not as exciting as it sounds.  Each required to write a paper about one of the more interesting exhibits - such as the many uses for cow pies - only thing interesting found was the door to the off-limits area, closed for remodeling.

"You coming or not, Martin?  This is the cool stuff... the stuff they don't show you... I mean, look at that!"  Janessa, a young woman with long brown hair, often got teased when her hair got in her face during gym.  But that didn't stop her from avoiding the group.  "Have you seen this in a museum?"

"Seen what?"  Martin, though not the class leader, did his best to keep his classmates out of trouble.  This ability got him ridiculed often, though never by Janessa.

Janessa went straight up to a large statue that was made of bronze, similar to many other statues in the bison exhibit or any statue found at a college campus or university.  The statue depicted a horse - but where the head should've been was a severed torso.

"Broken.  Come on!"

"Being restored?"  Janessa smiled warmly.  "History in the making."

"Let's go!"  Martin grabbed her by the arm.

"No!"  Janessa reached for the sculpture, ignoring the signs that said 'Warning' and 'do not touch.'  

Martin fell, losing his grip just as a bright green glow encompassed Janessa, who suddenly felt ill.  "Martin?  What's happening?"

Martin gasped.  Janessa exploded from her clothes as her legs and lower body became coated in palomino hair as her posterior doubled in size, forming into an equine backend with ponytail as her feet burst from her shoes, forming into hooves.  Also, two more legs formed from her new abdomen, matching her normal legs.  

Now naked from the waist down, she was half horse and half herself - all centauress.

"Martin?  Why are you looking at me like..?"  Janessa rolled her eyes and passed out.



"Careful with that formula!"

Professor Jenning's small team of student researchers had been going through old formulas for future replication and research.  Kelly, Michael and Lewis were selected from the professor's MBA senior class just for this project.  

"Do you know what that stuff is capable of?"  The professor carefully took a small sealed vial of green matter from Kelly, a brilliant blonde graduate student who had picked it up to hold it into the light.  "This one is particularly nasty."

"Formula XJ-19..." She read the chemical makeup on the label.  "But professor, most of those ingrediants are inert."

"I assure you, this particular formula is far too dangerous to be removed from this vial, and far too dangerous to simply throw into the trash."  He put it far into the back of the cabinet.  "Trust me.  It is quite reactive."

"Yes sir."

The students continued to sort the formulas as directed.  An hour later, however, a brief lapse in the professor's supervision gave Kelly the chance her curiosity was looking for.

"Kelly?  What are you doing?  The doc said to leave it alone," Michael cautioned.

Kelly took the green vial and opened its rubber seal, exposing it to the air.  "It's all inert...."

The green substance began to smoke and spark.  Suddenly it exploded, breaking the confines of its vial and coating itself across Kelly in a violent blast and knocking her to the floor.

"Kelly?  I'll grab the eye wash!"  Michael gasped.

"Don't bother...." Lewis tried to pick up Kelly's body, which had turned green and liquidious.  Her bones, skin, eyes and clothing had all but dissolved into a neon green gelatin.  Her form slowly sagged as her mass clinged togeteher,  despite the ability to maintain any physical form other than two large mounds where her chest had once been.  Her face also had a soft resemblance to its former self, where lines in her squishy consistance formed eyes, a mouth and a nose.

"Kelly?  Can you speak?" Lewis asked.

A soft moan similar to her voice was heard, which came out as more of a moan from inside the form.

"Professor's not going to like this."



Susan has been a snake researcher for years at the Arizona Rattlesnake Center, an independant nature facility that studied and kept tabs on snakes of all kinds in the American desert.  Though her research kept firm to hard facts, tagging and tracking snakes across the state and performing the occasional autopsy, one day she found herself caught up in a much more personal form of snake research.

Working in the hills beyond Phoenix and in a region far from suburbian sprawl, she had been following a nest of snakes that made their way west and north in regular migration, something that most rattlesnakes had not previously known to do.  Susan always had difficulty reaching the nest, and this time was no different.  

Her foot slipped, and even though she wore heavy boots and thick pants to protect herself from the errant snake bite, now she relied on that extra padding as working solo with poisonous animals had always been a risky buisness.

As she fell, the ground beneath her gave way as she fell into a dark cavern, which was cool and musty.  The constant sound of slithering carrion filled the room, however, and crawled with thousands upon thousands of venomous snakes.

Though she knew that the snakes were more scared of her than she was of them, the sheer numbers put her into an instant panic. She clawed and reached for the way out, touching a golden snake that had been embedded into the wall.  The figure started to glow as she climbed upwards.

As soon as her boots touched the figure, a sharp pain overcame her as her bones began to merge and change.  She slipped and fell back to the sandy floor, surrounded by snakes who - curiously - did not attack but slowly cleared away and almost began to watch her curiously.

Her feet and legs grew longer and slimmer, soon shedding the boots and rubber socks beneath.  Her toes seemed to vanish as her legs elongated and flattened.  She watched in horror and winced as her pants began to rip as her body expanded, uniting her legs into one long, slithery appendange.

As she continued to change, her skin became cool and wet as her skin developed into grey and green scales, matching the pattern of a nearby bright green garter snake.  

Her body finally seemed to stop changing.  Though her body seemed to coil around the room now, the thought of leaving the chamber and going back to her truck was a questionable choice, as her keys had been in the pants pockets... and she could no longer work the pedals.  How would she get back to her lab now?

DAY FIVE:  Mermaid

It had been a long series of weeks for June Kasselman, a marine biologist who had been working the Galapogos Islands testing water quality, both fresh and marine, for environmental changes and worsening ocean condtions.  

June and her team had taken samples from a number of seals, turtles and dolphins, as well as a landlocked manatee who had gotten stuck in a low tidal pool.  The water samples had thus far been far purer than the samples taken four years earlier, and her team was largely pleased with their results.

One calm evening, June left her associates aboard their vessel, the Roamer, and taken the runabout to shore to collect her thoughts and have a private moment of celebration, which was her way.  

Then she heard a voice.

"You have done much for my beloved oceans."

June gazed around to see who was playing a joke on her, and checked her radio.  It was off.

"No, you do not have to worry.  I have seen you before.  You have a tremendous love and respect for the sea.  The waters are so much cleaner since you have came.... and I want to thank you personally."

"Who's there?"

The woman showed herself.  Floating in the water low, behind the boat and out of sight from the research vessel, the woman with light silver hair and no apparent clothing smiled politely.

"You're... you're not a local here... are you?"

"Actually, I am.  But I cannot stay here for long... will you allow me to shake your hand and thank you personally?"

As a marine biologist, June knew her myths.  She knew them to be false.  This had to be a trick.  The only way to prove it, however...

She nodded and moved closer.  The woman reached out her hand, and June took it.  Then, the woman pulled.

At once, June was pulled underwater and disoriented by the sudden abyss that opened beneath the shallow cove.  She was now just as nude as the woman was - except from her waist down she was clad in a skirt of purple scales, much like the woman's blue scales that fanned out into a powerful tailfin.

"What...!"  June gasped.

"This is no dress you wear, June.  You are a mermaid, and yes, I can read your thoughts.  We must go.  Come."

The scene was gone in a flurry of bubbles.

DAY SIX:  Dryder

(I apologize to any Spidey fans for the resemblance to the movie.)

Spider researcher Jared Thomason, working under the close tutorage of Professor Samuel Shellerton, carefully takes notes as a spider that nobody has seen before carefully spins a web.  The purple striped spider seemed to have a welt in its abdomen.

"Doctor, this arachnae striata seems to have an injury on its anterior abdomen," Jared tapped the side of his clipboard nervously.  "Has it been injuring itself?"

The doctor came over.  "Hmm..." He picked up the small acrylic cage and gave it a closer look.  "Interesting.  It has no predators, no neighbors..."  Returning the cage carefully to the counter, he gave Jared a good look.  "Perhaps this is a job for you."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"It's your turn to use the micro camera.  Go into the isolation room and take it out of its cage. put it under the camera, and take a few photographs within the tray.  Make sure it doesn't get loose."  He gave a nod.  "And, go easy on the latin.  Okay?"

Jared gave a nod and took the cage into a seperate room, specially built to be free of narrow cracks that a spider could crawl out of.  The room contained a computer terminal and an electronic microscope that was equipped with a camera application.

He carefully unlatched the sliding door at the top of the cage and slid it open, turning it over the plastic tray beneath the scope and gave it a tap, when the spider fell out of the cage into the tray.  The spider didn't initially run, as it was familiar with Jared's touch.  

Next, Jared began using the computer to take extreme close up shots.  He had to push the spider into the center of the lens, which meant handling the spider.  What happened next, however, might seem obvious.

Agitated, the spider took a bite of Jared's finger.  What happened afterwards, well...

He felt feverish and felt his body begin to bulge.  It started in his abdomen and chest.  His mammory glands began to develop as his hips widened drastically, shredding his lab coat and jeans and knocking aside the chair he had been sitting on.  Eight spindly appendages emerged from his now massive abdomen, forming into legs as his upper body also changed, becoming more feminine and growing his hair out longer.  His legs were now gone as they were absorbed into his spidery lower half, and what was left of his facial hair fell out as his hands and stomach became longer and more feminine.  

Jared was now a dryder with soft, subtle purple and black stripes across her lower carapace.  She caught a glance of herself in the reflection of the door, and passed out, all eight legs falling to the floor.



(Thanks to SoniaStrummFan for borrowing Tina.)

Tina Langford got up from her beachside villa while on vacation with several close friends in Mexico and the nearby resort town of Cavo San Lucas.  A private home that belonged to a friend, the place was perfect for these gifted inviduals.

While everyone else was still asleep, she went back inside and changed into her swimsuit, having anticipated this moment all evening.  Now clad in a blue one piece, Tina walked beyond the property and out to the sand and waiting surf.  

Though the sun was warm, the wind was just enough to keep her cool during the walk.  And even though Tina was usually a fit woman who managed to stay in shape, she rarely got an opportunity to exercise in such conditions.  

Jogging hesitantly, she hastened towards the approaching break and into the water, leaping past the wave and into the water.  She kicked her legs, moved her arms, and swam out into the ocean's warm embrace.

As is typical with her, however, she was only able to swim for a brief time.  For not twenty minutes later, her core temperature reached its threshold and triggered her special ability.  Her hands suddenly turned into tires.

She let out a groan, and seeing how far she was from the shore, moved into an upright position as her feet also bulged into tires.  Now much heavier in the water, she held her breath and began to sink as her hips began to widen, changing in color from flesh to blue fiberglass in the shape of a trunk and bumper as her stomach widened and formed into a passenger cabin with plush leather seats and seat belts.  Her shoulders formed into a windshield as her face elongated, widened and vanished into headlights, a radiator and a front end.  A porche symbol formed at the end of her nose before moving into place atop her forehead, which had became a hood.  

Tina settled at the sandy bottom, now a flashy blue Porche convertible.  Unable to start her engine in the depths, she settled in, now able to breathe as cars did not require oxygen, waiting for herself to cool down once more.
Okay, here's the jist of it.

I've been on DA for a long time now, and I'm always seeing these 'draw a monster' challenge lists over the course of 30 days.  Well, I don't see many ones for writing.
So I took the monster list and adapted it for writing.

:bulletblue:  350 words or less.
:bulletblue:  One page.
:bulletblue:  One scene/ no scene shifts.
:bulletblue:  Limited characters.
:bulletblue:  Depicts a different TF scene every day for 30 months.

Here's the list of it:

1. Ad Lib
2. Centaur
3. Slime
4. Naga
5. Mermaid
6. Dryder
7. Car
8. Cecalia
9. Breast Expansion
10. Succubus
11. Transgender
12. Zombie
13. Insect
14. Cat
15. Dragon
16. Ghost
17. Robot Babe
18. Airship
19. Cyclops
20. Satyr
21. Dog
22. Final Fantasy Boss Character
23. Princess Peach
24. Frog
25. Prince
26. Mermaid TG
27. Human (from car?)
28. Giant
29. Fairy
30. Toilet

In the interest of time, don't expect me to link these together.  They're stand alone incidents, not related to any universe (TT or otherwise) and though the first one does depict Michelle, Greg and Shelly in it, the next ones won't necessarily.  (In fact, already looking ahead to 7, I think I'll make a point to not feature any of my current characters.) 

Taking votes on the FF Boss Character on the 22nd though.  Also if you got any ideas about 27, speak up.


Knowing how bad I am at being concise, I'm adjusting the limit to one page.  Uno.  Less than two.  Also, though I have been working on these day after day, I realize that it means posting 30 things over the next month.  So this way, I'm posting four things instead of thirty.  Hence, the name change in the deviation.

Hopefully nobody objects to that.
© 2014 - 2024 Agent505
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darthb3cca's avatar
I really like the idea of this. o:
But honestly, I'd probably go over the 350 word limit...